I thAnk God for my little sister
the sisterly relationshiP
Can at times be quite comPetitive
I am reminded todaY of what a gift my sister truly is
And whIle
A peRfect sister I am not
A peRfect sister I am not
I am so incredibly Thankful for the one I’ve got
We know each
other’s Hearts
And make it our job to reminD the
Of all the
embarrassing detAils we would try and
LaYing in bed
We whIsper jokes and secrets
As we share our griefs aNd joys
I am learninG that sisterhood can
be so wide and sweet and wild
And I would not tRade this for all the world
And I would not tRade this for all the world
I love you and miss you like crazy manki and I am so blessed to have you
As both a sister and a frienD. Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!
I miss you so much Sara!!!! this is ingrid by the way! and thank you soooo much for that! i love you and can't wait to see you again!