being said, I’m not a huge fan of comedian Jim Gaffigan. He can be crude and I don’t believe he’s as witty
as say, Tim Hawkins or Brian Regan. I
was recently shocked, however, by a portion of Gaffigan’s act, whereby his rave
on McDonalds turned into quite the lesson on our human condition. Indeed, this particular act was deeply
theological in nature. According to Jim
Gaffigan, many of us live in “McDonald's denial”—we realize McDonald's is
terrible for us, and yet we keep going back for more. As I listened to Gaffigan mock the
individuals, including himself, who return again and again to the golden
arches, I was struck by the profundity of his comments, for at the core of
Gaffigan’s act was this message: We all
worship something. Gaffigan spoke
about McDonald’s fries in a manner that eerily resembled idolatry. In fact, Jim Gaffigan offered amazing insight
into the nature of idolatry, and all without ever once mentioning the words
“sin” or “idol”:
“I think everyone’s lying.” Me too.
If we know that 6 billion burgers are sold and only a fraction of people are
admitting to purchasing these burgers, then most people clearly aren’t telling
the truth. Either they’re reducing the
number of burgers they claim to have purchased or they are denying purchasing
them altogether. So if McDonald's is
comparable to sin, as I am suggesting in this example, how many of us are lying
about our sins or idols? Maybe you and I
refuse to acknowledge and confess our sins in full detail, ashamed that we
think or act or speak as we do. Perhaps we have tried to cut back on
McDonald's and perhaps we have tried to
withstand our sins. Perhaps these
attempts have been futile, and realizing our inability to say no, we feel
shame. Maybe we can’t give up our
idols and thus realize that we don’t own them. Rather, they own us, and we are enslaved
to them! This bondage is a source of shame, and perhaps that is why we
lie. Perhaps we don’t want to admit
we’re really that weak.
“Have you ever eaten too many
McDonald's fries? Of course not! There’s
never enough of them!” Isn’t it the exact same way with our
sin? Sin promises to satisfy our needs
and cravings, yet it never does! In
fact, we are so hooked on our sin that we go in search of meager “fry crumbs,” scanty pleasures to
fill our gnawing hunger and deep longings.
But what happens when
we finally obtain our craved and sought-after fries? Jim Gaffigan tells us: “Those
fries are amaaaaazing. For what? Like
seven minutes? And then they turn into
something that’s most likely not biodegradable.” Once again, doesn’t sin
play out in a strikingly similar fashion? We find only momentary satisfaction in our sin.
Seven minutes in this case! What is more, we do not return to our pre-McDonald's
state. Rather, we find ourselves worse
off than we were originally: Whereas we once simply craved these things—either
fries or idols—now we carry the non-biodegradable effects with us. We walk away from these encounters with something that cannot
be broken down and has the potential to destroy life if allowed to accumulate.
Isn’t this what our idols do?
How about
leftovers? Jim Gaffigan asks his
audience how many of them have tried to reheat their fries. These reheated fries “aren’t
even good anymore,”
and yet according to
Gaffigan, it “doesn’t stop you from
eating them!” Isn’t this the
definition of insanity, eating something that has lost all appetitive
value? Don’t you and I do the same thing
with sin? We keep returning to our sins,
knowing they won’t satisfy, and yet nevertheless hoping that this time they
will. It’s insanity, repeatedly doing
the same thing and expecting different results.
It just ain’t gonna happen.
“We know those McDonald’s commercials aren’t realistic. I’d just like to see one commercial that shows people five minutes after they ate McDonald's.” Wouldn’t we all? But of course those commercials aren’t realistic! They were created to entice you and I, to draw us in. Sin does the same: it lies. Sin adorns itself with all the false trappings of peace, joy, pleasure, and fulfillment, but all of these are only a thin masking for the ugly evil lurking beneath. And just like commercials, our idols will not show us the deep consequences and complications resulting from out sin until we have tasted and bought the lie. So why do we believe these lies? I don’t think it’s solely because we are the victims of malicious schemes. That is indeed one portion of the issue, for we are under attack (Ephesians 6:12) and Satan does indeed disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). I believe, however, that much of it stems from the fact that we see what we want to see—we want to believe those fries are really that tasty, or that those burger buns are really that light and fluffy (as opposed to the squished, soggy, lop-sided buns we actually receive in the drive-thru). We want the lie to be true! Likewise, we want to believe our idols will come through. Our idols ensnare us by making false promises, yet we keep returning in the hopes that some day, those promises will become reality. They never do. Ever. So I think it’s safe to say that the root of all sin and all idolatries can be traced back to belief in a lie. Just go back and read what happened with Eve in the garden! What lie did she believe? What lies am I believing?
“They get us
in there….some of those deals they offer are just cruel!” Fast food sure is enticing. It lures us in, just like sin. We are offered satisfaction at a bargain we
cannot seem to resist. And what
happens next? We become gluttons and
gorge ourselves. And who can honestly
say they feel satisfied and content after such a gorging? No one.
We feel sick, both physically disgusting and emotionally disgusted. And so our idols may appear beautiful and desireable, but they are only bitter
in memory. Sin’s pleasure is only for a
season, for by nature sin enslaves, entraps, destroys and kills, leaving us
with heartache, sorrow and suffering.
And finally, here is
what I found the most profound: “I have
friends that brag about not going to McDonald's...I’m tired of people acting like they’re
better than McDonald's. It’s like, you
may have never set foot in McDonald’s, but you have your own McDonald's. Maybe instead of buying a Big Mac you read Us Weekly. Hey, that’s still McDonald's! It’s just served up a little different. Maybe your McDonald's is telling yourself
that Starbucks Frappuccino is not a milkshake.
Or maybe you watch Glee. It’s
all McDonald's, McDonald's of the soul: momentary pleasure followed by incredible guilt eventually leading to cancer...We all have our own. We all
have our own McDonald's….” Wow.
Jim Gaffigan hit the nail on the head with this one. Those words are haunting. What is the
McDonald's of my soul? What is my
idol? What is it that I turn towards for
my pleasure, satisfaction, comfort and
identity? In what or in whom do I find my joy? Is it Christ alone, or Christ substitutes? And then there’s cancer. It’s a silent killer. Too often it goes undetected, only to be discovered
once it is too late. So I must ask
myself this, what seemingly harmless idol am I feeding that will soon rear its
ugly head? What cancerous idol am I
allowing to rule my life?
Human beings—you and I—were created to
worship. The only question is, who or
what do we worship? Do we worship God or God substitutes? If I
am not worshipping God, it does not necessarily mean I am bowing down to the
image I carved from the old tree in my yard. An idol can be anything or anyone
in whom I place ultimate concern, value, allegiance, etc. My idols, then, are
anything apart from Christ in which I place my hope and trust and identity.
Idolatry, therefore, can just as much be—if not more so—an affair of the heart. We are prone to wander, prone to leave the God we love. But as believers, you and I have been granted an incredible gift of life and hope and freedom in Christ:
Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.
(Hebrews 2:14-15)
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his. We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
(Romans 6:5-14)
There is therefore now no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of
life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God
has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own
Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh,
in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
(Romans 8:1-4)
“What you treasure will
ultimately require you die for it, but Jesus is the only treasure that died for
–Tim Keller
Oh Sara, THIS IS GREAT!!!! Seriously, so insightful, so true, so me. Ahh, God has been revealing so many "McDonald's" of my own to me lately. How blessed I am that God has given me a friend like you to add insight to the very things I am struggling with. You are a blessing to me today and I am sure to so many others. Thank you!