Monday, August 22, 2011

First Post

So, I've finally caved.  Technically challenged Sara sat down after midnight and plodded through a maze of templates and fonts along with anything and everything else imaginable for a blog. And now, it is finally here, in all its infant glory.

I have considered writing my own blog for some time now and so the obvious question is, why?  My hope is that these posts will help me wrestle with questions and struggles that I encounter on a daily, even hourly, basis.   My prayer is that as I gaze and reflect upon God’s beauty and truth, I will come to a better understanding of myself—my own depravity and desperate need for a Savior—and God’s sovereignty in the midst of all. 

I will also post random pictures, poems, stories or songs as I feel led. 

This blog is a way for me to learn and grow in my faith, so if you choose to think about these things and wrestle along with me, I would be happy to have a companion.  May we glorify our Father, Savior and Lord together as we wholeheartedly pursue Him!